
How do I deal with long barcodes that are difficult to scan?

Long barcode scanners are used in a wide range of industries. In the retail industry, scanners are used to read product barcodes quickly and accurately, helping cashiers to complete product checks quickly and reducing human error. In logistics and warehousing, scanners track and manage inventory, improving the efficiency and accuracy of logistics operations. In healthcare, scanners are used for patient identification, drug traceability and medical record management.

In addition, long barcode scanners are used in ticketing systems, library management, production line tracking, courier logistics and many other areas. Their fast and accurate reading capability greatly improves work efficiency and helps reduce labour costs and error rates.

Why are long bar codes difficult to scan?

1.1 Barcode quality issues:

Blurred or damaged barcodes: If the barcode is poorly printed or damaged, the scanner may not be able to read it correctly. This can be caused by poor quality printing equipment, inappropriate printing materials or printing errors. To solve this problem, you can use high quality printing equipment, choose the right print media, and make sure there are no printing errors.

Insufficient barcode colour contrast: If the barcode does not have sufficient colour contrast, the scanner may not be able to identify it accurately. This can be caused by an incorrect choice of barcode colour, a barcode background colour that is similar to the colour of the barcode itself, or light interfering with the barcode. To solve this problem, try using a bright barcode colour, a background colour that is in high contrast with the barcode colour, and avoid environments that are reflective or have light interference.

1.2 Problems with the scanning device:

Aging or damaged scanner: If the scanner is old or damaged, it may not be able to read bar codes properly. This can be caused by prolonged use, wear and tear, or malfunction. To resolve this problem, the scanner can be regularly serviced and cleaned, or replaced with a new scanner.

Incorrect scanner settings: If the scanner is not set up correctly, it may not be able to read certain types of barcodes. This can be caused by misconfigured scanner parameters, incorrect scanner reading mode settings, or the scanner not automatically adapting to different barcode types. To resolve this issue, refer to the scanner's user guide for the correct settings and make the necessary adjustments and configurations as required.

If you have any interest or query during the selection or use of any barcode scanner, please Click the link below send your inquiry to our official mail   (admin@minj.cn) directly! MINJCODE is committed to the research and development of barcode scanner technology and application equipment, our company has 14 years of industry experience in the professional fields, and has been highly recognized by the majority of customers!

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2. How do I deal with long barcodes that are difficult to scan?

2.1 Improve barcode quality:

Use high quality printers and durable materials: Choosing a high quality printer and durable print media will ensure that barcodes print clearly and remain intact during use and transmission.

Make sure barcodes are clear and legible: When printing barcodes, make sure you use sufficient print resolution, the correct colour contrast and the correct barcode size. Also, avoid distorting or stretching the barcode.

2.2 Optimise scanning equipment:

Regular maintenance and cleaning of scanners: Regularly inspect and maintain the scanning equipment to remove any dust, dirt or other contaminants. Also, replace any damaged parts in a timely manner.

Adjust scanner settings for different types of barcodes: Understand the scanning equipment's setup options and adjust the appropriate parameters as needed to accommodate different types and qualities of barcodes. This may include appropriate scanning speeds, light levels or scanning angles, etc.

In this article we summarise the problems with long, difficult-to-scan barcodes and offer some solutions. Both quality issues with long barcodes and scanning equipment issues can lead to difficult-to-scan situations. To address these issues, there are several key points to keep in mind.

Firstly, improving the quality of the barcode is crucial. Using high-quality printing equipment and durable materials will ensure that barcodes are clear and legible. Blurred or damaged barcodes and insufficient barcode colour contrast can affect scanning results. Therefore, we need to ensure the print quality and clarity of barcodes.

Secondly, optimising the scanning equipment is also key to overcoming difficult scanning problems. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the scanner can ensure its proper functioning and avoid problems caused by ageing or damage. It is also important to properly adjust scanner settings to accommodate different types of barcodes. Adjusting scanner parameters such as sensitivity, scan speed and decoding algorithms to suit the situation can improve scanning success rates.

There are also advanced tips and tools available to solve the problem of long barcodes that are difficult to scan. The use of advanced scanning algorithms can improve the scanner's ability to decode complex bar codes. Auxiliary light sources or reflective panels can provide additional illumination to improve ambient lighting conditions. Considering the use of high resolution scanners can also improve scanning accuracy and reliability.

Finally, we would like to stress the importance of optimising bar code quality and scanning equipment. Optimising barcode quality and scanning equipment not only improves efficiency and reduces error rates, it also improves the effectiveness of operations throughout the supply chain. Investing in high quality printing equipment and advanced scanning technology will benefit your business in the long run.

By optimising barcode quality and scanning equipment, we can effectively solve the problem of long barcodes that are difficult to scan, improving efficiency and accuracy. Full attention should therefore be paid to optimising these aspects, both from an individual company perspective and from a supply chain perspective.

Questions?  Our specialists are waiting to answer your questions.

Phone: +86 07523251993

E-mail: admin@minj.cn

Official website: https://www.minjcode.com/

Our dedicated team will be happy to assist you and ensure that you choose the best scanner for your needs. Thank you for reading and we look forward to serving you!

Post time: Aug-29-2023